Market players with over 80 TWh of market activity employ our forecast
The on-going integration of renewable energy sources into the European power system has introduced increased variability and unpredictability, making market operations more complex. In this rapidly changing energy market environment, staying informed and prepared is essential.
At Optimeering we have been working with the Nordic TSOs on implementing the Nordic Balancing Model. To this end, Optimeering builds and maintains pricing and clearing algorithms for all the Nordic reserve capacity markets.
Today we bring that deep IP together with over 60 years of power market design and modelling experience to benefit companies active in the same-day power markets, with our real-time forecasting and automation software.

Cutting-edge forecasting tool designed to empower market players with real-time insights into power market imbalances.
Better manage your imbalance volumes, reduce exposure to unexpected price movements and operational risk
Make informed, timely decisions using our forecast aligned with market dynamics
Optimize asset and capture opportunities in the new reserve capacity markets
Automate and coordinate across the energy and capacity markets to maximize value with integrated solutions

Imbalance Price Forecast
Accurate predictions of real-time power market imbalance prices, allowing market players to anticipate fluctuations and adjust their strategies accordingly.
aFRR & mFRR Capacity Market Forecast
Helping market players make informed decisions in capacity planning and auction participation in order to optimize their trading strategies and set realistic expectations when bidding into the market.